St. 竞技宝app下载安装的本科生奖学金
每个本科生都可以根据他们的平均绩点获得优秀奖学金, 授予杰出的学术成就或其他标准的学生. These recognize and reward students for excellent academics and help them achieve their academic goals.
Discover ways to reduce your tuition expenses and achieve quality education at a more affordable cost through a wide range of scholarship opportunities with varying criteria.
奖学金 at SAU function as financial awards, reducing tuition costs for eligible students. 这些择优机会认可学术成就和才能. 探索各种奖学金,以支持您负担得起的教育之旅.
每个本科生都可以根据他们的平均绩点获得优秀奖学金, 授予杰出的学术成就或其他标准的学生. These recognize and reward students for excellent academics and help them achieve their academic goals.
平均绩点 | 可用的储蓄 |
4.0 | $24,000 |
3.75-3.99 | $22,000 |
3.0-3.749 | $20,000 |
2.5-2.99 | $18,000 |
St. 竞技宝app下载安装奖学金只颁发给秋季和春季学期, 并且可以续修120个本科学分, which includes credits transferred to St. 竞技宝app下载安装之前来过. 奖学金 are only awarded to students enrolled full-time coursework (online courses are excluded) and combined total may not exceed cost of tuition.
平均绩点 | 可用的储蓄 |
4.0 | $17,000 |
3.75-3.99 | $16,000 |
3.0-3.749 | $15,000 |
2.5-2.99 | $14,000 |
St. 竞技宝app下载安装奖学金只颁发给秋季和春季学期, 并且可以续修120个本科学分, which includes credits transferred to St. 竞技宝app下载安装之前来过. 奖学金 are only awarded to students enrolled full-time coursework (online courses are excluded) and combined total may not exceed cost of tuition.
平均绩点 | 可用的储蓄 |
3.5-4.0 | $16,500 |
3.0-3.49 | $15,500 |
2.5-2.99 | $14,500 |
St. 竞技宝app下载安装奖学金只颁发给秋季和春季学期, 并且可以续修120个本科学分, which includes credits transferred to St. 竞技宝app下载安装之前来过. 奖学金 are only awarded to students enrolled full-time coursework (online courses are excluded) and combined total may not exceed cost of tuition.
SAU的竞技宝app下载安装优势奖学金为符合条件的爱荷华州学生提供免学费教育. 这项奖学金帮助学生实现他们的教育目标, maintain eligibility through annual reviews, and eliminate the need for campus residency.
Fr的. 圣韦尔奇校友奖学金. 竞技宝app下载安装致力于支持SAU毕业生的子女. 它为符合条件的学生提供经济援助, 承认和庆祝安布罗修斯家族几代人之间的联系.
Learn more about this scholarship
SAU's 天主教传统奖学金 is for students who embrace the Catholic faith or graduated from a Catholic school. 这项奖学金授予St。. 竞技宝app下载安装’s Catholic identity by supporting students who share this faith tradition.
SAU's Faith Learning Justice Ministry Scholarship is bestowed upon students who actively engage in church and community service, demonstrating a commitment to strengthening their faith and fostering leadership in campus ministry.
这是黑鹰学院转学学生的独家机会. 奖学金可以续期,不需要单独申请, 为每一年的本科学习提供无缝的帮助.
This is an exclusive opportunity for students transferring from Eastern Iowa Community College (EICC). The scholarship renews automatic所有y each year for your undergraduate studies and does not require a separate application.
Eastern Iowa Community Colleges (EICC) Scholarship
SAU's 双录取奖学金 is an exclusive opportunity for students participating in the SAU/community college dual admission program. 这项奖学金是在学生可能有资格获得的任何其他援助之上提供的.
This scholarship rewards the achievements of Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society members transferring from a community college. 包容性倡议, 所有 eligible students receive this recognition as they continue their academic journey at SAU.
SAU's 少数奖学金 supports ethnic所有y diverse students who contribute to our campus community. 这项奖学金是为了表彰我们对多样性的承诺, 公平和包容,支持符合条件的学生在他们的学术旅程.
Open to declared Spanish minors and majors, this supports students taking Spanish classes abroad. This scholarship presents an opportunity for students to enrich their language skills and cultural understanding.
The 留学奖学金 offers students the opportunity to learn about diverse cultures, 获得宝贵的语言技能, and broaden their academic horizons.
SAU's 体育奖学金s are tailored to individual sports programs and awarded at their discretion. They offer financial support for student-athletes and help lower over所有 cost of education. The amount varies based on the specific program.
These scholarships are awarded through auditions. These are automatic所有y renewable, tied to maintaining good academic standing and active participation in the ensemble for your discipline (choir for voice students, 器乐学生乐队).
This scholarship presents an opportunity for aspiring artists to receive support for their studies in the visual arts. 待考虑, 学生通常需要提交作品集, showcasing their artistic prowess.
More about SAU's Art Scholarship
这项奖学金对所有归国的音乐学生开放, 特别喜欢从事乐队活动和钢琴演奏的同学. 奖金数额各不相同,为培养对音乐的热情提供灵活的支持.
Returning music student scholarship
适用于热爱钢琴和声乐研究的大三和大四学生. 奖励金额各不相同, providing tailored support to students committed to the pursuit of excellence in piano and vocal performance.
All music majors are encouraged to apply. 该奖学金旨在表彰和奖励音乐方面的进步和卓越, 学术成绩单和对音乐艺术的真诚承诺证明了这一点.
这项奖学金是为那些攻读社会工作硕士学位的学生提供的. Two scholarships are awarded each year to students affiliated with or planning a career in social services within the Diocese of 达文波特.
这个奖学金是为城市垃圾学生量身定制的,以需求为基础,提供2500美元的经济支持. With only two fellowships available per year, 这是追求社会工作硕士学位的个人的独家机会.
School of Social Work Fellowships
专为都市固体废物学生而设,每年只提供两项奖学金. Priority is given to first-generation college students and those from historic所有y underrepresented groups.
Tailored for first-year MPH students, 这项奖学金旨在减轻研究生教育的经济负担. This is a valuable opportunity for those passionate about public health to save on the cost of their degree.
DPT学生开放, 这项奖学金旨在减轻经济负担, 让有抱负的物理治疗师专注于他们的学习和临床培训.
该奖学金面向会计专业本科和研究生,成绩为3.0 +平均绩点. Graduates of Catholic high schools, 大三或大四学生, 或从事学生活动和健康与娱乐的人可能会优先考虑.
Drexler Accounting Scholarship info
For full-time accounting majors, this needs-based scholarship is available to applicants with a 3.平均绩点25分或以上,4分.0规模. Preference is given to applicants who identify as Hispanic and/or participate in athletics or student activities.
基于财政需要, this scholarship provides financial assistance for full-time accounting majors in pursuing academic goals. 收件人必须有一个2.平均绩点5分或以上.0规模.
专为全日制会计学生设计, 这个基于需求的奖项旨在表彰学术卓越. If you maintain a minimum 平均绩点 of 3.5对4.0规模, you could be eligible for this scholarship.
对会计专业的本科生和研究生开放, this needs-based scholarship provides financial support to several full-time accounting students each year. 收件人必须有一个2.平均绩点5分或以上.0规模.
Van de Voorde Accounting Scholarship
The 沃尔会计奖学金 is an opportunity for undergraduate accounting students with a 平均绩点 of 3.0或更高的4.0规模. This scholarship is available to full-time accounting majors with a preference for rising seniors in the department.
“我真的很想去圣. 竞技宝app下载安装,但另一所大学给了我更多的奖学金. 我的大学招生顾问努力为我找到更多的奖学金和勤工俭学的机会. SAU的招生顾问和你一样希望你来这里."
–Erin Suhr '23, 业务 Management
申请圣. 竞技宝app下载安装 involves a two-step process. First, complete the general admissions application. 第二个, submit the Free Application for 联邦 Student 援助 (FAFSA) to assess eligibility for need-based scholarships and financial aid. 一些奖学金也可能有独特的申请要求, 所以要检查并满足这些标准. Completion of these steps ensures you'll be considered for various scholarship opportunities tailored to your 学术成就 and financial needs.
SAU supports students across diverse academic programs by providing scholarships tailored to various fields of study. You should explore 所有 available scholarships to discover opportunities aligned with your specific academic pursuits or passions.
奖学金 at SAU are awarded annu所有y. 一旦你被接受了, 通知通常包含在你的综合经济援助计划中. 这详细说明了你有资格获得的所有经济支持,包括奖学金. Keep an eye on your acceptance materials and financial aid package to stay informed about the scholarships awarded for the upcoming academic year. 如果你有任何问题,我们的招生和经济援助团队都会帮助你.
是的. 取决于你的资格, 学术成就, and the specific criteria of each scholarship, you could be awarded multiple scholarships. 我们的奖学金迎合不同的才能、背景和学术追求. 我们竞技宝app下载认识和支持每个学生的独特优势. So, explore the scholarships available–you might find several that align with your academic journey and aspirations.
是的,SAU的大多数奖学金都可以与其他经济援助相结合. 然而, it's crucial to review the terms and conditions of each scholarship to ensure compatibility with other financial assistance. We want to provide you with a comprehensive, 量身定制的经济援助计划,最大限度地利用您的资源,最大限度地减少经济负担. Reach out to our financial aid experts 如果你对结合奖学金和其他形式的经济支持有疑问.
获得先前学习的学分是对你现有知识和技能的认可, 加快你的学位之旅.
转学分是为了纪念你以前的课程,减少重修课程的需要, fast-tracking your academic journey.
Discover benefits you qualify for and ease your transition to college with military tuition assistance options.
Join the buzzing community at St. 竞技宝app下载安装. Discover a place where academics meet values, 激情与目标相遇的地方, 在那里你可以真正改变世界. 发掘你的潜能,让你的战斗蜂精神翱翔.